Porcelain crowns are a method to help teeth restore shape and color to achieve the highest aesthetics. However, in some cases, unwanted complications occur such as porcelain crowns, gum recession, and exposed tooth roots. This not only does not improve aesthetics but also weakens the teeth. So why does this happen and how to fix it? Let’s find out in this article!
Signs of porcelain crowns receding gums
It can be said that porcelain crowns are the most modern cosmetic technique today, helping to overcome many different oral defects. Not only that, it also helps redesign the shape and color of teeth to make teeth more harmonious. Since then, the smile has become more charming and radiant.
Most customers are satisfied with their teeth after porcelain crowns, because not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but the chewing function is completely similar to real teeth. However, there are still cases of complications of gum recession after porcelain crowns. This makes customers worried. So what are the signs of gum recession after porcelain crowns?
Causes of porcelain crowns causing gum recession
According to dental experts, cosmetic porcelain crowns completely ensure safety and benignity for the body. It does not harm oral health at all. However, porcelain crowns require a high level of doctor’s skills, along with the support of technological equipment and machinery. If the procedure does not meet standards, the results after porcelain crowns will not be as expected, and more seriously, it can affect future oral health.
Below is one of the reasons why gums recede after porcelain crowns:
Doctors have poor skills and do not have much experience
Doctors who do not have much experience will not be able to adjust the standard tooth grinding ratio, grind teeth at the wrong ratio and install porcelain crowns that do not fit closely to the tooth base. This will cause gaps in the tooth roots, allowing food to get stuck. Over time, tartar forms at the gum line, causing many bacterial foci to appear. These bacterial colonies grow increasingly stronger and destroy the tooth pulp. The gums will gradually shrink, exposing the tooth roots and dentin.
The technique of taking tooth impressions is not standard

Gum recession after porcelain crowns can occur due to improper tooth impression technique. There are many cases where doctors use non-specialized tools to take jaw impressions, so errors occur. This greatly affects the process of making porcelain teeth.
Improper tooth impression making causes the porcelain tooth after being crafted to not fit closely to the real tooth base. It causes a gap to appear under the tooth root. If left untreated for a period of time, the gums will recede.
The machines at the dental clinic have not been updated with new technology
The process of performing porcelain crowns, from examination, treatment to crowns, requires the support of modern technology and machinery. Dental equipment needs to be always updated to the latest version to achieve absolute accuracy. If the dentist you choose for porcelain crowns still uses old machinery and outdated equipment, errors in diagnosis and treatment are likely to occur. This affects the process of making porcelain teeth, which will cause deviations in shape and size. Since then, complications have occurred after wrapping, including gum recession.
Using poor quality ceramic materials
One of the other causes of gum recession after porcelain crowns is due to the use of poor quality porcelain materials. Currently on the market there are many types of porcelain teeth made from different materials. If your dentist uses non-genuine porcelain teeth of unknown origin, it will greatly affect your oral health, possibly causing irritation, inflammation and gum recession.
Before porcelain crowns, dental diseases cannot be thoroughly treated
In many dentists, doctors subjectively do not carefully check the oral condition or do not detect dental diseases due to lack of experience, leading to not thoroughly treating the diseases but having porcelain crowns done. This increases the risk of gingivitis because the teeth are weak and easily attacked by bacteria.
Improper oral hygiene
The mistakes that many people often make when cleaning their teeth are using a toothbrush that is too hard, brushing their teeth horizontally, or brushing with strong force. This is one of the common causes of receding gums and exposed porcelain teeth.
Harmful effects of porcelain crowns on receding gums
Gum recession after porcelain crowns, if not treated promptly, can lead to many negative effects:
Gum recession causes the tooth root to become exposed, the tissue around the tooth root gradually disappears, and the dentin is exposed. At this time, teeth are especially sensitive, susceptible to sensitivity and pain when eating hot and cold foods or when brushing teeth.
Tooth pulp is exposed and directly exposed to the environment in the oral cavity. Without protective gums, it will be easily attacked by bacteria that can cause tooth decay.
Food gets stuck in the gap between the tooth root and the porcelain crown and is difficult to clean. After a long time, a lot of plaque will form, which is an ideal environment for harmful bacteria to grow and attack the teeth. This causes bad breath, tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontitis,…
Besides, it also causes serious damage to gum tissue and bone structures around teeth. This affects the ability to support teeth. Teeth will easily loosen and fall out at this time. Your ability to chew and bite will also be reduced, you will have to limit many tough foods, and your appetite will no longer be there.
Another major effect of gum recession is the loss of facial aesthetics, making the smile less charming.
How to fix porcelain crowns with receding gums
Porcelain crowns with receding gums cannot be treated at home. You need to go to a reputable clinic to be examined and treated by a qualified doctor.
Depending on the cause of gum recession, your doctor will have the most appropriate treatment solution.
If the gums recede due to the doctor using incorrect techniques or the porcelain crown being made to the wrong size, the doctor will remove the old porcelain crown. Then, take an impression of the new jaw to redesign the porcelain crown to fit the tooth base.
If the cause of gum recession after porcelain crown is that the dental disease has not been completely treated before, the doctor will remove the porcelain crown to completely cure the disease, then clean the tooth pulp before attaching it. new porcelain teeth.
If you are using poor quality porcelain crowns, the old porcelain crown must be removed and replaced with a good quality porcelain crown.
In addition to the above remedies, in order for porcelain teeth to last as long and be as healthy as possible, customers must also have a careful oral care regimen at home. The following issues can be noted:
Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush
Brush your teeth gently vertically or in an even circular motion. Be careful not to brush your teeth horizontally
Use a combination of dental floss, water flosser, and mouthwash to clean leftover food from between teeth.
Regular dental check-ups every 6 months so that the doctor can promptly treat any disease that occurs.
Prestigious porcelain dental clinic address
Porcelain crowns with receding gums is a situation no one wants to happen. Therefore, to prevent this, you need to choose a reputable dentist. This ensures that the new porcelain crown process is carried out accurately and is safe for health.
Thuy Duc Dental Clinic is one of the oldest and trusted dental addresses in Hanoi. Thuy Duc was established in 2006 and has brought healthy, confident smiles to thousands of people.
The team of doctors at Thuy Duc all graduated from Hanoi Medical University’s Faculty of Dentistry. In particular, Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tuan has more than 10 years of treatment experience and will help you feel completely secure when performing porcelain crowns.
Modern machinery and equipment are all imported from abroad: Vatech Pax-i X-ray machine, CT Cone Beam machine,…
High-quality porcelain teeth Ceramil (Germany), Emax (USA), Lava (USA),… are 5 times more durable than real teeth, do not lose color over time, and have a 10-15 year warranty.
Thus, to prevent porcelain crowns from receding gums, you need to choose a quality dentistry with a team of highly skilled doctors, and take careful care according to the doctor’s instructions to have bright, beautiful teeth.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding porcelain crowns, please contact HOTLINE 093.186.3366 – 086.690.7886 or register for a consultation (no fee) with dentist Thuy Duc for support. Make an appointment