Is it necessary to have a root canal before getting porcelain crowns? Is a question asked by many customers. Because the dental pulp is the source of nutrients for the tooth, when the tooth loses pulp, the tooth tissue will be weak, brittle and easily broken. So please read the article below to know in which cases a root canal is needed when getting porcelain crowns!
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What is dental pulp? What is the structure of teeth like?
Components of teeth include: enamel, dentin, pulp, root tip, sulcus, bone, periodontal ligament.
Tooth enamel is a very hard layer that covers the outside of the tooth with a thickness of about 1 – 2 mm and is smooth. Tooth enamel contributes to tooth color and is an important load-bearing component in the chewing function of the entire jaw.
It is a hard and thick layer under the enamel that creates the main shape of the tooth. In the dentin there are many small dentinal tubules containing dentinal cells that help the tooth sense hot, cold, sweet and sour foods.
Is the central part of the tooth and is a living tissue because it contains blood vessels and sensory nerves for the tooth. The dental pulp consists of two parts: the crown pulp (pulp chamber) and the root pulp.
Teeth tip
The tip of the tooth root is the final part of the tooth root – where blood vessels and nerves enter from the bone around the apex and exit the tooth pulp. This is the final complete development of a tooth. This is also where the infection starts when the tooth is damaged, creating abscesses around the tip.
Groove hole
The tooth groove has a V-shaped structure. On the chewing surface of the teeth, especially the back teeth, contain many deep grooves. The groove area creates a good fit between the two jaws, helping to increase chewing efficiency, but this is also a place that easily causes food stuffing and the risk of tooth decay.
The tooth root is located in the jawbone and is attached to the bone by a system of periodontal ligaments.
Periodontal ligament
Responsible for keeping the teeth in the correct position in the jawbone, the periodontal ligament is made up of many small interwoven fibers, going from the tooth to the alveolar bone area around the tooth root. This periodontal ligament area is at risk of being destroyed first when periodontal disease appears, leading to bone loss and tooth loosening.
When making porcelain teeth, do I have to have a root canal?
However, dentists do not always need to perform a root canal when getting porcelain crowns. Depending on the condition and level of damage of the tooth, the doctor will decide whether or not to make porcelain teeth requires a root canal. If it is not absolutely necessary, the doctor will not prescribe a root canal because the teeth that have had a root canal will not be as strong and sturdy as before.
The porcelain tooth was seriously injured
Tooth injuries such as broken or chipped teeth can have a deep impact on the pulp when the protective dentin is lost. In this case, if you want to have porcelain crowns, you must have a thorough root canal treatment first.
Tooth decay leads to pulpitis
Tooth decay will cause tooth tissue to gradually lose and slowly destroy tooth tissue. When not treated promptly, the bacteria that cause tooth decay will attack the pulp and cause pulp inflammation, leading to irritation and severe pain.
If the tooth pulp is infected, if not treated, it will develop seriously, causing tooth abscess and tooth loss. Adjacent teeth will also be affected, so they need to be root canaled as soon as possible.
Does root canal surgery have any effects?
In case you need to have a root canal before getting porcelain crown, you don’t need to worry too much about the root canal causing pain because the doctor will anesthetize the tooth before performing the root canal.
After a root canal, you will no longer feel as sensitive as before. Therefore, if your doctor prescribes a root canal before porcelain crown, please rest assured to do it!